man riding a bicycle

4 Tips to Enjoy a Better Bike Ride

September 02, 2020

Bike riding, whether you do it on a stationary bike or a regular bicycle, provides many benefits/ According to this article from the Harvard Health Letter, the main benefits of bike riding include:

  • Exercising while being easy on your joints (it’s a low impact exercise)
  • It helps to build muscle
  • It helps to build bone density
  • It’s great for your cardiovascular health

Perhaps the most important takeaway from this list is that bike riding is both good for your physical and mental health. It gets you outside enjoying the fresh air, which is even more important during our days of quarantine during Covid-19. Have you ever completed a bike ride and wished you hadn’t? Chances are, the answer is no.

But did you know there are probably things you can do to make your bike ride more enjoyable? You may already be doing some of these things, and this blog goes into detail about a few tips to enjoy a better bike ride.

Safety First

This first tip probably goes without saying (especially for our more experienced bike riders out there!), but we cannot stress the importance of safety enough.

Make sure you’re wearing a bicycle helmet and pay close attention to your surroundings. All cities are not bike-rider friendly and you will need to keep this in mind as you navigate the roads. According to a survey posted by Orlando Weekly in 2019, Florida accounts for the most bicycle deaths in the country. We don’t share this to scare you, but if you are a new bicyclist, you’ll need to understand how to keep yourself safe.

  • Wear a helmet
  • Wear bright clothing
  • Ride with the flow of traffic, not against it
  • Used marked bike lanes, if available
  • Stop at red lights and stop signs, just like you would if you were driving a car

Plan Your Route

Avid bicyclists probably have a set route or series of routes they travel, and we encourage you to do the same. Moreover, if you want to explore somewhere new, try to research bicyclist-friendly routes in the area.

One of the best parts of bike-riding is sightseeing along the way, so we encourage you to find new places to explore!

Find the Right Gear

We mentioned above that you should wear a helmet and bright clothing and in addition to that, we have a full list of bicycle gear and accessories to help you have a better ride.

  • A well-fitted bicycle helmet
  • Bright clothing – depending on where you plan to bike, we recommend some dry-fit clothes (especially if you are in the South!)
  • Comfortable shoes – this blog post is to help casual bike riders have a better bike ride. There’s no need to get fancy cycling shoes, but we do recommend comfortable broken-in shoes.
  • Handlebar covers – handlebar covers for bicycles are pieces of fabric/material that you slip over the handlebars on your bike. They help to keep your hands dry, are clean, and easy to maintain.


When doing any cardiovascular exercise, it’s vital to make sure you are hydrated. Did you know that if you are thirsty that you are already dehydrated?

We recommend bringing along a water bottle that will keep your water cold during short and long rides. Trust on this one – you don’t want to be a few miles into a bike ride without water.

Buy Handlebar Covers for Bicycles Online

Pedaler Grip Covers were designed by bike blogger, Ellen Elleman. After biking for years in the south, Ellen realized that biking with sweaty palms was nearly impossible – and unenjoyable. And so, Pedaler Grip Covers was born.

Our handlebar covers for bicycles are easy to remove, easy to clean, and most importantly, keep your hands nice and dry to enjoy a great bike ride.

Click here to browse and shop for our bicycle handlebar covers.

Happy pedaling!

Also in gottapedal

Bike handles with Pedaler Grip covers on
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